Monday, July 20, 2009

Tomorrow --- my "rebirth day"!!!

Some of you may or may not realize, but my childhood experiences were those of a very negative background, those which left their lasting impression on me. I have always believed we do the best with what we've been given. Well, I did what I could on my own, but now it's time for me to do better. After so many ups and downs, years of yo-yo dieting, and experiencing severe anxiety and depression, I had reached an unforgivable weight. As of January 1st this year my insurance began covering weight loss surgery, after completing a six month medically supervised diet. Well, WOO HOO! I DID IT! I lost more than the required amount of weight, despite having a broken arm, and being successful at meeting the very intense requirements of the SSM DePaul Weight Loss Institute. Believe me, none of this would have been possible without lots of prayers, the love and support of so many of you (you know who you are!)!!!

This diet and the weight I have lost has been such a challenging experience, the most difficult thing I have ever done --- second to nursing school. Thanks to Facebook, I know some of you which I have been blessed by getting back in touch with after 15 years, can definitely relate to the daily challenges of nursing school. I feel like tomorrow is my "rebirth" day. I feel like I have truly been given a second chance at life! Tomorrow I am having a gastric bypass at DePaul Hospital, which will include two nights in the hospital. WOW! It is so different being on this side, being the patient instead of reading patient medical records and bills!!!

I am looking forward to the new experiences this 'change' will bring. Some may ask, "Is Sean ready for it?". That's a different story! No, really, he has been very supportive. He has been such a great help with everything, I cannot begin to imagine where I would be today without him. I love him so deeply with my heart and soul, he truly is my guardian angel. I can tell you we both are more than ready for the positive changes in our lives this will bring. For example, my nightly prayers used to consist of begging, pleading, and bargaining with God to not let me wake up the next morning. Now my prayers are that of a much more positive tone, as I express my gratefulness for waking each and every day. It has taken me 43 years to realize that "HE" has a plan for me, a good one too. I may not know what "HE" has in mind for me, but I will eventually see it and experience it . . . . . in HIS time, not mine. Garth Brooks says it very well, "Thank God for unanswered prayers."

So, stay tuned. I hope you will follow along with me on this next part of my journey. I promise it will be fun and exciting! I also will post pics showing my progress, some which I am not proud of, but it will be a constant reminder of how important good health truly is. Again, thank you each and every one of your for your love, prayers and support. I love you more than you will ever know.


Anonymous said...

Dear God,
Please protect my dear friend Julianne tomorrow and always and please guide the doctor's hands and minds skillfully, without distraction or complication.
In Jesus name I pray,

{Heartfelt prayers and lots & lots of love, Julianne! xoxoxo.}

sean g said...

I love your blog, but I love you more!

From Anderson to Arnold said...

Know that you are in my thoughts and heart as you go through this miraculous transformation. I love you always, best of luck!

Marilyn said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this life changing operation. I know where you have been, and I am so happy that you are heading in a positive direction. Please know that you are loved, dear friend!

Ramona said...

I prayed for you this morning and am so excited to be sharing this journey with you. Let's not lose contact while we are out ok? I'm on facebook too! Love ya!

shermala said...

I will be praying for you and can't wait to see you continue down this awesome path you have taken. You should be so proud...we all are!

kathy said...

dear friend...... god speed in your recovery and i'll support and love you in all that you do...........

xoxo, kathy & jose

Anonymous said...

Praying for you as you recover from surgery & progress on to your goal. God bless!!!! :)

Kath W said...

Prayers and lots of love going out to you, my friend! Give me a jingle if I can help you with anything.