Monday, September 15, 2008

It's my "Honey Bunny's" birthday today!!!

No, my "honey bunny" is not Sean. It's my oldest brother, Paul. How old is he? Well, actually I lost track a long time ago. Paul is the most AWESOME Sports Director (aka Apostolate) for the St. Louis Catholic Archdiocese. What can one say about Paul? He is outrageously fun, some times quiet, used to be shy, quite the character really. He's the one his siblings love to tell the "bean up the nose" story about. With our dad passing at an early age, Paul is the one who stepped in and assumed the 'father figure' role for me at the ripe young age of 12. I cannot tell you how many volleyball practices he dragged me with him to at the old Vogt School in Ferguson or how many volleyball tournaments he LET me help him work. I mean, so many that his numerous volleyball teammates seemed more like an extended family of big brothers. I mean, they all watched out for me - some more than Paul ever knew about (ha, ha)!. Luckily, only one of them I grew a teenage crush on (wink, wink Paul - you know who that was).

Paul is the bestest older brother anyone could ever have, want, need, or ask for. He walked me down the aisle at my wedding. Paul has been there so many times and in so many ways for me that I don't dare try to count them. I hope one day I can express to him how much he means to me. I don't know what I would have ever done or do without him.

I love you honey bunny. Happy Birthday!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jesus Take the Wheel

Music Video Code provided by Music Video Zone

Lazy, rainy day Sundays

What a lovely thing to wake up to! Went downstairs to put the dogs outside and there is a river running through our basement! Okay, so it wasn't quite a river, but you could actually see the water moving, running through to the drain. From where? It seemed like the water was coming from everywhere! You guessed it. The first thing I did? Went running around getting any and all of my scrapbooking supplies up off the floor! We have not had such a hard downpour with so much rainfall that caused this bad of a leak in a very long time. After I stopped fretting over moving my scrapbooking supplies, then I sat down. I took a breather and thanked God that number one, I have a home to have to clean up this lovely wet mess in, and number two, that this little bit of water was nothing compared to what the poor people in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida have had to deal with lately. Hopefully hurricane season will be over soon!